Morning mobility exercises
Keeping moving and active at this time of increased confinement will be an important part of staying healthy. Following this set of three easy exercises is a great way to wake up your body, get your heart rate up, stimulate your circulation and have a positive start to the day.
Lower back mobility | side-bend (sitting)
Sit on the edge of a stable chair. Sit relaxed but with good upright posture, think about having your knees over feet; and your head over your shoulders over your pelvis. Do not hold your breath and relax through your stomach/abdomen. Start the exercise by side-bending to one side. Try to stay in line and not lean forwards or backwards. You should come to a natural end of the bend, do not stretch or stain to go further, then return to the centre and go to the other side. Continue in a slow and harmonic rhythm. No rush! Try for 2 mins.
Upper back mobility | brisk rotation (sitting)
Sit upright on a stable chair, with your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms over to opposite shoulders and reach around as if to grab the edges of your shoulder blades. Bring elbows down onto your chest, then relax your shoulders, face and jaw. In a quick and brisk manner rotate from side to side as quickly as you can for 20 seconds, then rest.
Try for 3 sets of 20 seconds.
Hip and knee mobility | March with balance and stamina (standing)
This is a simple marching on the spot exercise. As you march bring your knees as high up as you can, reaching each arm straight up above your head with opposite arm coordinated with your opposite knee. Try to stay in the same spot throughout the exercise. Try for 2 sets of 2 mins.